Friday, March 18, 2011

Happy Birthday Allie!

Age is not a destination. It's a journey!

I wrote a really long post, but I'm that lucky that it got deleted. Thank you so much, computer. I love you, too. Well, let's back to Allie...Dear, Alexandria - if you are reading this, I just want to tell you happy birthday. It's your day - enjoy it. Hope you have a great 17th birthday. :) I wish you all the best! Everything you want! I'm so glad you were born, because you brighten my life and fill it with joy. May the years continue to be good to you. Happy Birthday! and no, you're not getting older, you're getting better. May this year bring with it all the success and fulfillment your heart desires. I saw you for the first time in Together We Rise, but didn't even know you will come that far. I saw you in U Smile music video, later. You did great, there. I thought "wow! that girl is really pretty! let's create a Twitter for her!" I didn't know you could do that many things to me: following me, RTing me, replying me, dmsing & talking to me on skype! Wow! That's a lot! I really love you with all my heart. I'd love to meet you, someday. But It's just impossible. But anyway, today I'd like to thank you for everything. For being my inspiration, my idol. I'll never forget you. You changed my life, seriously. I'm so thankful to you. Wishing you all the great things in life, hope this day will bring you an extra share of all that makes you happiest. Happy Birthday, and may all the wishes and dreams you dream today turn to reality, because you really deserve it. May this day bring to you all things that make you smile. Happy Birthday! Your best years are still ahead of you. May each and every passing year bring you wisdom, peace and cheer. And you'll always be forever young, hehe. Today is your day to shine as every day should be. Happy Birthday! Your birthday should be as wonderful as you girl are. God gave a gift to the world when you were born; a person who loves and cares, who sees a person's need and fills it, who encourages and lifts people up, who spends energy on others rather than himself, who touches each life he enters & makes a difference in the world. May the love you have shown to others return to you multiplied. Don't count the years, count the blessings. Wishing you a year filled with the same joy you bring to others. Wishing you all the best in the year to come. May your days be filled with sunshine and beautiful colors. And may your nights be filled with comforting dreams and wishes to come. No one desrves a happier birthday than you. Youth happens, but age is earned. Days have passed into years,you have become better with time. May you continue to become better with each birthday you enjoy. Happy Birthday
You are very special and you deserve the best I wish you a wonderful life filled with love and happiness. :) It must have been a rainy day when you were born because the heavens were crying because it lost its most beautiful angel.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

A suprise for Alexandria Terry's birthday!

Hej! 17.03 Alexandria obchodzi urodziny. Chciałam dla niej zrobić taką książkę ze zdjęciami i z opisami od fanów z Polski. Jeśli chcielibyście znaleźć się w takiej książce możecie wysyłać mi swoje zdjęcia na :)

Hi! Alexandria has birthday on 17.03. I'd like to make a book for her with pictures. If you want to be in the book just send me your pictures at :) More info at @AllieTerryTeam tweet me!

Wywiad z Randą Nelson!

Jeśli mieliście jakieś problemy z przeczytaniem wywiadu z Mirandą Nelson po angielsku, specialnie dla Was przetumaczę go na polski :)

Martyna (ja): Cześć, Rando! Pamiętasz swoją pierwszą miłość? Możesz nam coś o tym opowiedzieć?
Randa: Moją pierwszą miłością był chłopak o imieniu Christhoper. Byłam wtedy w przedszkolu. Pamiętam jaki był słodki. Wtedy był moim najlepszym przyjacielem.
Martyna: Czym chciałabyś zajmować się w przyszłości?
Randa: W przyszłości chciałabym być artystką. Chciałabym grać w filmach albo występować w serialach. Uwielbiam także śpiewać, tańczyć i pisać piosenki. Chcę założyć swój właśny zespół z moją siostrą i wtedy mogłybyśmy tworzyć własną muzykę.
Martyna: Co jest twoim ulubionym przedmiotem szkolnym i dlaczego?
Randa: Najbardziej lubię języki. Uczę się francuskiego i hiszpańskiego. Bardzo ważna jest comunikacja z tyloma osobami z jakimi tylko możliwe. Uczenie się nowego języka może otworzyć oczy na cały świat.
Martyna: Jak ci się pracowało na planie teledysku do "U Smile"? Z Justinem Bieberem?
Randa: Pracowanie z Justinem Bieberem było niesamowitym przeżyciem. On jest bardzo utalentowany i miły. Na planie było mnóstwo ludzi! Ludzie byli zajęci układaniem włosów Justina i czyszczeniem sceny. Wszyscy byli bardzo mili. Świetne doświadczenie.

An interview with Randa Nelson!

Hi! I know I didn't post anything since Jenuary. Well, I'm going to change it starting with an interview with Randa Nelson! Here it comes:
Martyne: Hey, Randa! Question 1: Do you remember your first crush? Can you tell us something about it?
Randa: My first crush was this kid named Christopher. I was in pre school. I remember him being very sweet. He was my best friend.
Martyne: What would you like to do in the future?
Randa: In the future, I would like to be a successful artist. I would love to be in movies or on a TV show. I also love singing, dancing, and writing songs. I want my sister and I to have our own band, and and we can create our own music.
Martyne: What's your favourite school subject and why?
Randa: My favorite academic school subject language. I am in French 4 and Spanish 2. It is really important to me to be able to communicate with as many people as I can. Learning a new language can open up a whole new world.
Martyne: How was working with Justin Bieber? How was on the U Smile music video set?
Randa: It was an amazing experience to work with Justin Bieber. He is a such a talented guy and a genuinely nice person. There was a lot of people on set. People were constantly fixing his hair and cleaning the stage. Everyone was really nice. It was a great experience.

Thank you, Randa for getting some time to answer the questions! We love you and we hope you enjoyed the post :)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy Birthday Cassidy!

I wasn't on here for long time, but there was a really special day, yesterday. It was Cassidy Shaffer's birthday! You still can tweet her happy BELATED birthday at @CassidyShaffer. Wishes from me, Martyne:

I hope your birthday was all that you hoped for. Sorry I forgot the most important day of the year... your Birthday! I mean I didn't forget it, I just didn't write a post for you, but here it comes! Anyways, I tweeted you, honey. I hope all your birthday wishes came true. I'm so lucky to have such a great friend like you...BEST WISHES! xoxo

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Keeping up with Randa & Nina!

Gettt closer to Nina and Randa Nelson!

Ostatnio Nina i Randa Nelson przesłały mi stronę internetową o nich. Spędziłam tam 2 godziny! Polecam: ;)

Hi, guys! I noticed that there's a website about Nina and Randa Nelson. I spent 2 hour on that site! Check it out at: ;)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Konkursss :)

Hej! Wczoraj, wieczorem rozmawiałam sobie z Alexandrią Terry, napewno na znanym przez Was bardzo dobrze - Skypie. Wpadł mi do głowy pomysł, aby zorganizować konkurs. Musielibyście zaprojektować plakat promujący teledysk "U Smile", liczy się kreatywność! Allie poruszyła temat nagród...A więc myślę, że będzie 3 zwyciężców. Za pierwsze miejsce, ktoś może wygrać videorozmowę z Alexandrią na Skypie. Za drugie miejsce bierzemy pod uwagę autografy z dedykacją. Trzecie miejsce jeszcze nie jest ustalone, ale myślę, że też będzie coś fajnego. DLA WSZYSTKICH KTÓRZY SIĘ ZGŁOSZĄ, A NIE WYGRAJĄ, PLANUJEMY JAKĄŚ NAGRODĘ POCIESZENIA, ALE TO NIE JEST PEWNE! Mam nadzieję, że wszystkie dziewczyny z U Smile zgodzą się na takie coś. Niestety, nie uda mi się zdobyć autografu Anastasii Kassar, obecnie skupia się na swojej karierze, także.

                                                      IN ENGLISH :
Hi! Yesterday, at the evening I talked with Alexandria Terry on Skype. I've got an idea, I want to organize a contest. All what you have to do is just a make a poster, promoting "U Smile" music video. I think there will be 3 winners. For the first prize, you can win a videochat with Allie Terry on Skype (I'm not sure, if there will be the contest! (I just wanted to share my ideas with you), for a second prize you can win autoprahs (I don't know, there's an idea for autographs, I need to talk with the girls) I'm not sure for the third prize, but I'm still thinking about it. IF WE WILL ORGANIZE THE CONTEST...IT'S GONNA BE FOR EVERYONE, AROUND THE WORLD! For everyone, who will make a poster, and they will not win, I have consolation prizes :) Hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Niemiecka wersja! A German version!

Cześć! Mamy dużo odwiedziń z Niemiec, dlatego postanowiłyśmy, że będziemy pisać posty także po niemiecku. Mam nadzieję, że spodoba Wam się ten pomysł xoxo :) xxx

Hi. We get many visits from Germany on our blog, so that's why we decided that we will write posts in German, too. Hope you enjoy. xoxo :) xxx

Hallo. Wir erhalten viele Besuche aus Deutschland auf unserem Blog, so dass Deshalb haben wir beschlossen, dass wir Beiträge in deutscher Sprache schreiben, auch. Wünschen Ihnen viel Spaß. xoxo :) xxx

P.S Sorry for that bad German version but I tried to translate it with my big brother because he works at the German firm, so he can speak German, and he knows how to use the German signs. I'm so bad at German, just let you know. Hahaha. And the girl, who helps me to write the posts in German It's Tammy, my best Twitter friend, let's follow her on Twitter @BieberSmilex. Thanks. Goodnight. xoxo

Przepraszam za zły niemiecki, ale próbowałam to przetłumaczyć razem z moim bratem, ponieważ pracuje w niemieckiej firmie, więc umie niemiecki. Ja niestety nie uczę się tego języka. Dziewczyną, która będzie mi pomagać w pisaniu postów po niemiecku jest Tammy, moja najlepsza Twitterowa koleżanka, możecie ją follownąć @BieberSmilex. Dziękuję. xoxo

Saturday, November 6, 2010

An interview with Nina Nelson!

Hey, everybody! I've got a suprise for you...It's an interview with Nina Nelson! She's really friendly! :) I love talking with her. So, here you have an interview:

Question 1: Is Randa like your friend? I mean, is she always with you, when you need her?

Nina: Randa and I are best friends! We do everything together. She is always there for me and I can always count on her.

me:Awww! That's cool! I need to ask you about my country...I live in Poland. What do you think about Poland? :)

Nina: Poland sounds fun! I've never been before though. I would love to visit some time though. :)

me: Oh! So, we're waiting for you! To what girl from the "U Smile" music video you talk the most? :)

Nina: Well not including my sister I talk to Allie the most. I'm friends with everyone though, but we've become really good friends with Allie. :)

me: That's awesome...okay, one girl asks about make-up. Do you wear make-up? just lipstick and eye-make up?

Nina: Yes of course I wear makeup! We like to use bare minerals for foundation. I usually wear light eye makeup and mascara, and bronzer on my cheeks. We usually wear a pink lipgloss on the lips.

me: @BieberSmilex asks "what was your the worst dream?"

Nina: That's a hard one. But I hate those dreams where you are trying to run from something and you can't run!

me: Me too! I really often fall from the tree in my dreams. If you could pick one country to visit, which one would it be? And why?

Nina: I would visit Europe because there are so many awesome places that I want to see. The culture seems so different in Europe and I would absolutely love to meet new people and learn new things.

me: Oh. When you will visit Europe - come to Poland :) I bet you'd love my country. Thank you for an interview! Love you. xoxo

Nina: Yes I hope to come to Poland some day! I'm sure I would love it. Thank you for this interview. I can't wait to see the new post. xoxo (the post - Nina reads our blog)